Happy Birthday Times Two

15 01 2009

 Two rocking women, both of whom I love very much, are celebrating their birthdays today!

 My sister, Chili, turns forty today!! I think forty is going to look really great on her. I think my sis is really finding her groove. Not to say that she has been out of whack all these years, she hasn’t. I just think this is going to be a great time in her life. I have noticed that she is more comfortable speaking her mind lately. Some may have been because she had a bit of help in the form of liquid courage, some came on it’s own. For example, we were talking on the phone the other night;

“I haven’t been happy with my blog lately. I’m not sure what’s up with it, I just haven’t like the way I have written lately.” I said.

“I know what you mean. You haven’t been.. I don’t know.. Funny. You have not been as funny as I expected you to be.”

 Because she is correct, I just agreed with her but in my head I wanted to tell her to go outside and play hide and go fuck herself.* At the same time though, I thought that it was good that she could be so honest with me. I have a deep respect for people who can tell it like it is. I dislike having to try and guess where I stand with people.

 So, my dear sister doesn’t think my blog is funny. Fine.  Hey Chili! I am not a freaking comedian! You want funny, go see a comedy show or something! Way to put the pressure on me you big fucking bully! Just so you know, because of that comment, I took your present back. If the weather holds, I’ll be over tonight. Bake your own damn birthday cake. The double chocolate one and have it ready by the time I get there. Maybe then I will think about getting you a present. 

 Just kidding. I never got you a present.

 Go on over to Chili’s place and wish her a happy day!

 SLM1 is celebrating her birthday today too! She is WAY nicer than my sister! For example, a couple of weeks ago she called me to tell me she bought me a pair of jeans. Do you know why she bought me a pair of jeans? Because she saw them and she thought I would like them!! See how she is? She rocks. 

 Like my sister, SLM1 also tells it like it is. She never fails to put me in my place, in a nice, empowering sort of way, which is a trait that I really appreciate. I feel like, especially over this past year, her and I have grown closer. For that I am very grateful. 


 Happy Birthday my friend! I am looking forward to celebrating with you on Saturday! SLM1 doesn’t have a blog so feel free to leave your bithday wishes here.


*For the record I would like to say that I think my sister is awesome and I lover her very much. She is very, very good to me and is always loving and supportive of me. I would not trade my sister for anything in the world, I am just giving her a hard time because as of today, she is old. I love you Chili!!


Photo credit; Me and my sisBirthday,