One Last Fix

24 05 2009

One Last Fix

Originally uploaded by auntiechili

Good Morning

23 05 2009

Good Morning

Originally uploaded by auntiechili

Ptown 7:14 am. I have my Girl, my coffee, my peeps, and an amazing
sunrise. It’s all good in my world.

Cake and Baseball

4 05 2009

 Kizz said in this post, that she hoped there was cake and baseball for my birthday. Oh boy, was there!

 Big time!

 As you know, I had to go to school on my birthday. One of my classmates gets a cake for who ever may be celebrating a birthday during the month. This month, there was two of us so we had cake for a snack after lunch.

 When I got to The Girls after class, I found a cake that she had made for me as well as my present;

 Two tickets to a Sox game in July!

 Not just any old tickets. No, my Girl, with some help from MST and Rock Star, got tickets on the Budweiser roof deck!!


 Apparently, these seats offer one of the best views of the pahk, have tables instead of plain old seats, and come with food vouchers! Also, the bathrooms are only for the people sitting in those seats! The icing on the cake (pardon the pun!) is that it is a day game! 

 My teacher let us out of class early (!!) so my evening  was spent cuddling with The Girl, eating cake before dinner, ordering some take out, and watching the game on tv.

 My 36th year couldn’t have started any better!

 Anyone want to take a guess as to what I had for breakfast on Sunday?


Photo credit

Even Year

2 05 2009

 For some reason, which I cannot explain, I tend to like even year birthdays better than odd number birthdays.  I think at one point or another, I must of had a bad year which fell on a year that I was an odd number. While my 35th year was filled with lots of great things going on in my life including, but not limited to, work going well, school going well, both the family and friends are doing great, meeting The Girl, and getting a new apartment, I am really looking forward to my 36th trip around the sun.

 Last year I did a list of 35 things in honor of my 35th year. I would link to it but I don’t feel like it. Hey! It’s my birthday and I can do whatever the hell I want! I wanted to do the same this year but I have not found the time yet. Check back soon.

 Today I am marking the day by going to school. There are worse things to do on ones birthday but I’m not going to lie, I would rather be going with The Girl to see the Dalai Lama. She promised to listen carefully and tell me all about it.

 Kizz, being the Goddess that she is, has already posted a Hot People post for me! It was up at 4am! I hope she set it to post at that time. If my friend is up at 4 in the morning, I don’t think she would be very happy. No, my guess is she set it to go up at the wee hour because she wanted it there when I got up, which is one of the reasons that I never question her love for me! Thanks, honey! You rock!

Kizz, just so you know, I can’t leave comments as me from The Girls computer. Having said that, I have no idea who some of those people are. Please remember that I don’t do a lot of tv watching. I know I should know who the first woman is but I don’t. I got Ms. Berry but the woman under her is? And the woman under her? Hello Angie! Then it’s the chick from the West Wing, right? I should know the next one too. It’s early and I haven’t even finished my first cup of joe. Next? Fuck you Mr. Leary! I know the last couple plays doctors on TV but the name of the show is eluding me. 

 I am looking forward to seeing what else my friend has in store for me! Don’t think I won’t be checking from class (from my phone) throughout the day!

 Happy, happy!