Ten Things Tuesday

28 10 2008

 I haven’t had much to say lately and I am not sure why. Plenty of stuff has been happening, I just haven’t been blogging about it. I decided when I started this blog that I would write when I felt like it and when I didn’t, I wouldn’t feel bad about it. There you have it. So, this weeks TTT is just a run down of what I have been up to lately.

1. Today, I had a shitty day at work. There are some things going on that I just don’t like. I am not sure how to deal with them but I KNEW today was not the day to do it.

2. I went to Bosses Halloween party over the weekend. I decided I wanted to be something really scary so I went as Sarah Palin. People, for the most part, thought it was a great costume and I walked around telling people I could see Russia from my house. One guy didn’t think it was so funny. Joe 12 pack( read drunk out of his mind) went off on me about how bad Obama is. Jesus was there too and when Joe 12 pack didn’t shut up, Jesus and I had a friendly debate. People, Jesus really is for McCain/Palin, just like she said. Anyway, Jesus was really nice and he knew his shit. Our conversation ended by us both agreeing that it is really cool that we get to choose who we want and that it was cool that we could have very different views but have a nice, respectful conversation. When we parted ways, Joe 12 pack was still talking. 

3. I got to spend a little time with Auntie Teachers family which was great. They have always been so nice and welcoming to me and for that, I am so grateful. 

4. Been doing lots and lots of reading for school. I like readin’.

5. Didn’t end up carving the pumpkins this weekend. The Room-Mate was late getting home.

6. My client had a very frustrating experience with the receptionist at the very busy health center. I heard her raising her voice from across the noisy waiting room. I decided I needed to intervene and as I walked up she said several times “I don’t understand what you are telling me!” By the time I got up there, she had dropped the F bomb. The lady tried to explain the situation to me but I couldn’t understand because of her thick accent either. I remained calm and asked her to get the nurse. The nurse cleared it all up for us. After, I tried to explain to my client that getting upset wasn’t going to get her what she needed. She was able to see what I had done to resolve the situation as well as where she could have done things differently. Good stuff.

7. I am really craving Auntie Teachers chocolate cheesecake. She makes the best cheesecake ever. Hint, hint.

8. I can not wait to vote! I love voting!

9. I am re-watching John Adams because I am using part of it for a group project for school. I LOVED the series and I am glad I have an excuse to watch it again!

10. Gentleman, you may want to stop reading here! I warned you! So, I managed to not get a headache or the blahs after my period ended this month! Yippee!

Peace out peeps!