Ten Things Tuesday

22 10 2008

  This weeks ten things is brought to you by my friend MST! It is late because I asked her to guest post late Monday afternoon. Technically, she had it done on Tuesday but I was sound asleep by the time it reached my in box. Here goes;

Hi! My name is MST, and I’m an alcoholic. Really. Now don’t
fret…this isn’t a mellowdramatic Lifetime movie or after-school
special. It’s just my life…a life that has improved exponentially
since October 15, 2002-the day after my last alcoholic drink …as of
today. Last week, I celebrated 6 years of sobriety, and Auntie asked
me to write about ten things that have improved in that time for her
Ten Things Tuesday. To be honest, it’s hard to pull out just 10, but
I’ll do my best.

1. My basic physical health.

2. My ability to forgive.

3. My ability to empathize.

4. My relationship with my family.

5. My relationships with friends, and my ability to be a friend.

6. My ability to actually have fun and LAUGH!!!

7. My ability to have any and all feelings…and cope with them.

8. My ability to own my part, take responsibility for mistakes, but
also see what’s NOT mine.

9. My ability to relax.

10. My sex life. 🙂

I would love to elaborate, and really, sobriety has given me so much
more and continues to do so, but I’m running out of Tuesday, and I’m
exhausted! Just know that my whole life has improved. Is it perfect?
Lord, no!!! But I like imperfection!