Congratulations President Obama!

5 11 2008


 POST Traumatic Stress Disorder


  PTSD is a nasty, nasty problem. I had what I would consider to be a mild case after a car wreck. It lasted about 6 months and it totally sucked. I cannot even imagine what our nations men and woman coming home from war must go through. Go here if you would like to learn more about it. 

 On a somewhat lighter note, after the 2000 election, I was pretty bummed to say the least. In 2004 I started to have anxiety which began in September. I have been stressed since probably July of this year over this election. I self diagnosed myself with election PTSD. I even had a dream a couple of months ago that McCain dropped out of the race. I woke up so happy and I wondered if that meant that Obama would win by default of if someone else would step in McCain’s shoes. Then I realized it was only a dream. So Sad.

 I work with a woman who is from Canada. She has lived here for quite some time and is married to a nice American dude but she still cannot vote. Despite this, she has been talking about this election for months. She called me first thing yesterday and asked me if I voted. I very excitedly replied that I did then I remembered that she couldn’t. I told her I was sorry and I truly was. When I left my polling place I felt so happy and proud. I was so sad for my friend because she loves this country and she works so hard to make it better but still she was not able to have her voice heard. She was texting me from about 8 pm until Mr. Obama was announced the winner. “Its looking good!!!” she wrote. “I am mildly optimistic. 2000 gave me PTSD.” I replied. “Ha ha ha. fair enuff.” “I’m not kidding.” “I know!” “No sleep til president Obama!” She wrote.

 Other texts included ” This is the fucking best!!” “ABC just declared barack!!” “Thank God!!!” “It doesn’t get any better than this!!!” “Been crying for 15 minuets!” and finaly, ” God I am so happy I don’t have to hear the words pitbull and lipstick in the same sentance anymore!!” 

 I went to sleep happy, relieved, and optimistic about the future. I woke up this morning feeling like I better double check. Damn election PTSD had gotten me again. 




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5 responses

5 11 2008

Think about Mr. Obama: I wonder if it is dawning on him what pressures and demands will confront him now?!

5 11 2008

Given the administration that’s won the election NOW your friend will be able to make her voice heard in other ways. Novel concept, eh?

5 11 2008

“I’ll never have to hear the words “pitbull” and “lipstick” in the same sentence”


I’m with Kizz – it’s not NEARLY over; this is when the REAL work starts. I’ve never been so inspired or motivated by a president – I want to get out there and do something good – and I’m looking forward to seeing what that means in terms of our nation and its future.

5 11 2008
Organic Mama

Seriously, he called on us to help, for service, sacrifice and making this country what it was, AND alluded directly to MLK Jr’s words: I’m ridiculously inspired but also clear that just like the satirical paper the Onion said, “Black Man gets Country’s Worst Job.” Still, this president is unprecedented and it seems like the dawn of a different kind of day.

Auntie – your friend can apply for citizenship if she’s had a green card for three years. I didn’t marry a citizen – we had a different route to citizenship and it took 5 before we could apply, but she’s all set soon. Too late for this one, but your Canadian friend can help to reelect Obama in 4 years!

5 11 2008
Laurie B

I agree, the work is just beginning for Pres-elect Obama. There’s a whole lot of mess left to clean up and Pres Bush still has 76 days to make matters worse.

For me, the possibility of Obama appointing two Supreme Court judges is just wonderful.

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